As part of monthly security patching, we had faced an interesting issue. WSUS sync was completed successfully and we’re able to download some of the patches from Windows Update service however the .NET patches were not getting downloaded. I’ve seen these kind of issues during SCCM/ConfigMgr software update monthly patch package creation. However, most of the time “couple of retries” solved these kind of patch download issues. This time around retry/retries, server restart etc didn’t really help us. It was giving us Error 403 (HttpSendRequest failed HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN or HTTP_STATUS_DENIED).
As a next step, we’ve analysed PatchDownloader.log. As expected we found some clue about the issue. In the PatchDownloader.log located in SCCM site server, we could see that the patch file with “.CAB” extension is getting downloaded without any issue. However, we’re getting download error “403 HTTP STATUS FORBIDDEN” for the patch files with “.EXE” extension. The issues turned out to be with proxy and Firewall box configuration. There are a bunch of networks nated behind the source SCCM server hence network and proxy team also struggled to get into the root of the issue. Network team was able to find “TCP_DENIED/403″ log entry and make necessary settings to “TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS/200” !! So network and proxy team helped to resolve the issue. More details and log file samples at the bottom of the post.
Following are the log file entries which I found in PatchDownloader.log
Update Failed to Download dkunkle84 May 21, 2014 8:02 AM We were having space issues on our WSUS server, but now we have suffecient space. Filed in: CM2012, configmgr, ConfigMgr (SCCM), Configmgr 2012, Current Branch, SCCM, SCCM 2012, Software Updates, System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, Troubleshooting Issues, Troubleshooting Tips Tags: 0x80246002, 3rd party, adobe updates, configmgr, Failed to initiate install of WSUS updates, Failed to start batch install through WSUS. How to Let WSUS to download again the failed update? Dear Sir, I have noticed that Windows XP SP3 is not installed automatically through WSUS on my XP machines. I checked my WSUS server and I found out the following error: 'The files for this update failed to download. The update can be approved but will not be available to computers until the.
Wsus 2012 Not Downloading Updates
Download destination = ACNCMCASSUPackagesNov979d1441-d8f7-4844-9a4f-a68abd66a68f.1MSIPatchRegFix-AMD64.exe . Contentsource = . Try username configmgrServiceAccount from the registry. Proxy enabled proxy server HttpSendRequest failed HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN or HTTP_STATUS_DENIED