Your PC can download MP3 files to your personal MP3 player for your portable listening pleasure. For example, you can use your iPod, which has 80GB of.
How to copy MP3 files from my PC to my iphone? I have many Mp3 on my PC but some Mp3s I want to copy in iphone to listen from iphone. How to do that? I'm having itunes account and itunes software on my PC but unable to copy MP3s to iphone.
Metal GearMetal Gear1 Answer
In iTunes under the File menu choose Add to Library... and select the songs you want to add to iTunes. When iTunes is done adding the files, sync your iPhone with iTunes on your PC.
That's all there is to it.
Matthew FrederickMatthew FrederickYou must log in to answer this question.
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Although you can enjoy an MP3 audio file over the Internet using your system's media player, it may be possible to download the same file to your PC so you can listen it when you are offline or transfer it to your portable digital media player. If the website with the MP3 file you want has legal permission to distribute the file and provides you with its URL, you can download it to your PC quickly using your Web browser.
Step 1
Visit the Web page with the MP3 you want to download.
Step 2
Right-click the file's link, then select 'Save Target As.'
How To Download Mp3 Files From Messenger
Step 3
What Are Mp3 Files
Video of the Day
Where To Get Mp3 Files
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